TextLab-B-Queen (ENG)


Königin der Texte

Hamburg Queen of Texts

Charlene, the Queen of Textlab Bergedorf

Petra Klose gratuliert Charlene

On April 3rd, 2013 Charlene Wolff was inaugurated as TextLab Bergedorf queen.

I feel very proud that I was given the opportunity to participate at the 5th International German Queensday 03.-06.10.2013 in Bergedorf and the Vierlanden. It was a great honor that I was named to represent TextLab Bergedorf as "Queen of Texts".

I did lots of preparations and was well prepared.

Lately I joined the German Association of Foto Journalists.

Ever since the beginning, I was invited and participated to lots and lots of city festivals all over the country, am well-known in many places even by Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II.

Das TextLab Bergedorf

Werbung Textlabor-B Hauptbahnhof

At TextLab-Bergedorf

Charlene im Textlabor-B
Impressionen Textlabor-B vom 06.11.2013

Due to the fact, that the open stage TextLab Bergedorf closed its doors on its 8th anniversary in March 2019, there are no more sessions being held. However the queen stays the queen, travels all over the country, offers performances and frequently reports about her adventures.

In 2021 she moved her home to Thuringia in central Germany, from where she is as active as ever. Only the corona pandemia time slows down social events.